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Homeopathic Bottles

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a holistic approach to balancing the vital force, allowing for the body to work as it should.  Energy imbalance occurs in the vital force causing symptoms to occur. According to the Institute for Natural Medicine:


"Homeopathy is a distinct medical art and science which employs small doses of natural remedies to stimulate the body’s inborn healing capacity. Homeopathy’s central philosophical point is the law of similars, or “Like Cures Like,” a concept first articulated by Hippocrates. A substance which causes an illness or a symptom can, in very small doses, address and lessen the same symptom. 

  • Homeopathic medicines are safe.

  • They are known to be non-allergic, non-toxic, cruelty-free and have no side effects.

  • They are prepared from herbal, mineral, and animal substances, by homeopathic pharmacies, under strict guidelines...

Homeopathy is a whole-person aspect of medicine where symptoms are understood in context of your physical, cognitive and emotional health. People report they enjoy the in-depth interview process that informs the particularly individualized care provided by practitioners who use this modality. Naturopathic doctors may use homeopathic remedies for first aid, acute, or chronic conditions across physical, cognitive and emotional areas. Patients of all ages may be prescribed homeopathic remedies, from infants to the elderly."   (


Homeopathy does not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  Homeopathy is looking at a symptom picture in its entirety and applying a diluted, potentized remedy (ies) that match that picture in its totality.  It is exceptionally personalized to each person even if the symptoms would be considered to fall under the same dis-ease of the body.

Homemade Remedies


There are 3 types of homeopathic consultations:

  • Acute/Emergencies: Symptoms lasting for a short period of time (ex. colds/flu, stings, bruises)

  • Constitutional/Chronic: Symptoms that are NOT short lived (ex. arthritis, eczema, something that does not spontaneously resolve)

  • Follow-up: Subsequent appointments after an acute or constitutional.



Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Case Studies


   CONSTITUTIONAL  case: Man from late 30s to early 50s (duration of treatment).  When treatment began: Recurrent Constitutional fever blisters.  Fever blisters generally occur if skin becomes too dry around the lips, too much sun, chapped lips.  Blisters begin with a tingle, turn to a blister(s).  It can spread up onto above or below the lips.  Burning, stinging, oozing and finally ending in a scabbing of the area.  Duration varies but generally at least one week. 

    A constitutional remedy of Rhus Tox 30C would have been the preferable treatment to begin.  Client preferred to treat fever blisters as they came up (as needed or PRN).  Within the first few PRN treatments he was able to begin treatment at first "tingle." He applied a remedy solution of Rhus Tox 30C to the tingling area and reduced the span of time from beginning to end to just a few days rather than a week+.

   After years of treating the blisters PRN, the blisters began to move straight from the "tingle" to a small scab, skipping the oozing stage all together.  The frequency in the beginning of treatment was 3-4x/year, full blown  from tingle, to blister, to oozing, to scab, and finally to healed. Currently he has begun to take the RhusTox 30C constitutionally 1x/week and has not had a fever blister in over 2 years.



ACUTE case: Outdoor cat with what presents like a cold, eyes watering, sneezing, and dripping nose "as if a faucet."

Clear liquid dripping from left eye and FREELY from nose. Somewhat lethargic and lying around a lot more than usual.  Sudden onset.  I began with Aconite 30C because of the sudden onset.  Sneezing slowed for a few hours after each dose, as well as the nasal drainage.  But it would return.  Allium C fit the watering nose and eyes, so I mixed the Aconite, which was alleviating some symptoms, with Allium C 30C for a combo remedy.  Drops of the water doses were either given in the mouth or on the skin since cat's aren't always so easily dosed.  The symptoms cleared within a week.


Case 3

Acute case: 51 year old woman. Sudden onset of cold-like symptoms after weather fluctuations between quite warm and quite chilly.  Slight sore throat, stitch in ear on the same side as the throat pain, stuffy head, post nasal drip, mucus fluctuating from watery to white and thick to yellow, thick and a little stringy.  Aconite 30C with some movement of symptoms/alleviation.  Finally decided that a combo would be helpful be of the symptoms being so broad and headache become an issue and sleep disturbance as well.  Aconite,Belladonna, and Chamomile were used in a remedy solution/water dose.  Client took the remedy PRN, alternating with Allium when the discharge became hot and watery from the eyes and nose.  After about a week of symptoms fluctuating, Arsenicum was given in a water dose of 30C.  Next morning client awoke with a productive cough and the heaviness in the chest was lessened. After one week of symptoms (symptoms in community were lasting up to a month or more according to client) she was at 99% and feeling much better.


Case 4

ACUTE cases (I consider it EMERGENT/URGENT AND stemming from CONSTITUTION): This one is a very personal case for me.  Child on autism spectrum presents with acute behaviors out of the blue.  The behaviors include "wild" look, seeming traumatized with sudden onset but no real stimuli to explain.  Dilated pupils, eyes darting as if looking for source of some sort of danger or threat. Odd gesturing and "shaking" as if to calm themselves but the movement doesn't seem productive. screaming and constant movement, unable to sooth or be soothed. Combative but seeming to not WANT to be and apologetic afterwards almost shocked at their own behavior.  Worse from being hot. Belladonna is highly indicated here, the dilated pupils are the give away here. Since this is recurring it is deal with acutely (PRN and when it happens) even though Belladonna has also been a constitutional remedy.  Potencies from 30C to 200C and into the Ms have been used acutely with Qs (LMs) being used constitutionally.  Generally, the Belladonna will alleviate the attacks within 15 minutes but there have been times when Ignatia was employed due to the severity of the rages.  Also, War mix has become an invaluable combo remedy for the case taken PRN, but also taken "in the moments" of outbursts that come out of the blue.  It contains Belladonna and others that cover many of these symptoms without having to give doses of several remedies separately.  War generally will quell the attacks withing 5-10 minutes.  The severity and frequency of the attacks has reduced.  These remedies along with flower remedies have become invaluable in managing these situations that were once very traumatizing for all involved.

Bottles of Homeopathy Globules
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