The suffix -th means the state or quality of something. In the case of health it would be the state or quality of heal(ing). Every body has a vital force that expresses through one's state of health. The lower the vital force the worse the health suffered by someone, the higher the vital force the more health and vitality someone has and enjoys. Thing is that the word suffer also means to allow. We allow our vital force to be weakened by our choices. Now I shan't be throwing any stones because I, for one, do love a chili cheeseburger and some fries. I do attempt to make better choices of where my vices may come from or be made of, but I do have vices and will not act as if I am better than anyone. That said, we all can make better choices. Making better choices might be choosing a local place rather than a chain, or if you must go through a drive through, picking one with better options.
Thing is, we are constantly inundated with poisons from the air we breath, the water we drink, the food we eat, AND in my opinion the broad spectrum of EMF, Wi-Fi, ELF, etc. around us at any given moment throughout the day. We have smart meters, smart phones, smart appliances, smart homes and all of these things impact our health and vital force It is impossible to remove everything, but it is possible to mitigate the circumstances based on our choices. We live in toxic times and we also carry toxic loads that are generational. Our parents, our grandparents, their parents and on and on all come to YOU. Whatever you carry generationally goes to your children and down the line. Healing ourselves is healing our children.
The world at this time seems so inverted, we sell health but through pharmaceuticals whose side effects outweigh its benefits. Funnily, you can watch any amount of advertisements and see that often the side effects are the very things that the Rx is supposed to prevent. In essence this is pharmaceuticals being used in a homeopathic fashion without the benefit of dilution or dynamization. In the pharma realm, we are given dosages in large quantities compared to the potentized versions of things from the plant, mineral, animal, and elemental kingdoms as seen in homeopathy. We have taken naturally occurring things and synthesized them through chemistry when we already have those medicinals in nature, AND we are given them in heavy doses rather than dilutions as in homeopathy, hence healthcare is now managed care based on a business model that requires that we remain dis-eased (to varying degrees) in order for the model to remain. The medical establishment only remains as long as there are no actual cures just management and suppression of symptoms. Allopathic models create customers not cures. This is not how health should be handled. WE should aspire to create health, maintain health, and remain vital rather than stay in what, to me, seems, at best, low grade illness.
I have gone back and forth on how "truthful" (meaning my truth and understanding) I should be. I do not wish to quash anyone's beliefs or convictions, truly. I do, however, wish to cause people think. I want people to question, and question everything including me. I want people to understand that oftentimes our beliefs are based simply on what we are told by people that we consider "official" whether it be parents, doctors, media, government, and NGOs that are ACCEPTED by many based solely on the adage "because I said so." "Because I said so" seems like a flimsy premise to base your choices and health decisions on when it is quite literally life and death, or at least quality of life vs. ill health (and to revisit the word health meaning state of healing then this means a state of NO/FAILED healing).
My advice is generally pretty simple when I am being general. Eat more vegetables, eat humanely raised meats from animals fed according to how they would naturally feed, use some basic moderation if you do partake of vices, mitigate exposure to EMF and WiFi. Convenience has led many of us to be so addicted to having a multifunction computer in our hand at all times that we don't even realize that we have daily headaches, basic fatigue, insomnia, and a plethora of other things that are just the background noise to our daily lives. Compound that with daily usage of OTC pain medications that kill our organs (especially the kidneys and the liver) and we become complacent about feeling "fine" rather than feeling great.
Please know that I am not throwing stones from my admittedly glass house. I do attempt to make better choices, mitigate the negative that I cannot completely rid my surroundings, and I go outside as much as humanly possible and play in the dirt because nature is good for you and your soul. We can sit in front of a TV and become stressed by the barrage of images and thoughts we are given by the powers that be. It will wear you down. It will eventually make you sick either low grade or worse. Keep you eyes and mind open because (I find) that if you can do that, the truth if out there. You just have to let it in.