I think about things like spelling because it is called spelling for a reason. Words cast spells. I started thinking about the words whole and hole while working in the garden. I let my mind sort of wander and this is one of the things that came up. Holes are empty, yet whole connotes being full (complete). These words that sound alike are called homonyms because they sound like the same word. Thing is your brain cannot differentiate between the two. If you have ever read anything about hypnosis or meditation or self help, and I have, you run across folks saying choose your words carefully, and this is why. Like if you are self talking and you say, "I am so mad" your brain hears "crazy" because "We're all mad here" you know? A better word choice is angry, that way your brain knows with certainty what you actually mean.
I have a degree in English and literature, what equates to a minor in psychology, a minor in journalism, so I am no stranger to the spoken, written, connotative, or denotative word. I am REALLY adept at context and context clues and feel that a great disservice was perpetuated on us when that was taken out our reading classes. (W)hole are 2 of them, in all of their iterations. Holistic? Why is it not Wholistic? Holistic treatments are by definition treating a person in their entirety. Even hole is whole when it is completely empty, so a whole hole is literally empty which makes it "full" in its emptiness. Now I can hear you now, why would anyone think about things like this. Well, thinking is important, working things out through thought is how you learn to recognize patterns, sharpen your ability to understand the world from more than one POV. You can ground yourself in the NOW by simply thinking about staying in the now, that is CONSCIOUSNESS in the sense of conscious living not just simply being literally awake. See, I feel I need to explain with context words like consciousness and awake because those 2 words now have connotative and denotative meanings that weren't a thing even 20 years ago.
I see people throwing around words, even making them up--which I am not opposed to because I do it all the time and I stand behind the ones I make up. LOL Just in the last few years people have begun to jargonize (an example of a word I made up) whole swaths of words to fit under an umbrella of understanding. And in short order those jargonous (made that up too) words are usurped by the people the words were coined FOR, and used against the people who coined them. Talk about picking your own switch from the willow tree. For instance WOKE, a particularly heinous one in my opinion. In the beginning, that word meant the ability to see things as they "truly" are, awake to the truth. Now, it means something entirely different or the same depending on which side you are on about the "truth." I always say that truth requires no belief to be true, only lies require belief (see lie is right in the middle of the only thing required by lies, beLIEf). However, I see people arguing about subjective truths all the time, and that is not truth; that is opinion. It may be YOUR truth, and not be THE truth. Even so, I know that no matter which side of an argument people are on they always think that THEY are on the right (correct) side. There's another word combo, correct and right, synonyms. But is everything that is correct,"right." That would be a steaming cup of h**l no. There are things that are provably correct, and people still think they can argue against them, calling their opinions "simple facts". The truth is truly simple but we have SNAFU'd that one into a fine mess.
You have right hands and feet, right turns, right leaning politics. Are all lefts wrong? I could argue for days about what actually goes on in politics. I am less offended by one side as opposed to the other, but not based on the true nature of the ideals of each one respectively, but of the narrative that each pushes and the subsequent hypocrisy of either. You cannot legislate morality or prosperity and those are the 2 main ideas of each party. So is the right completely "right"? In my opinion neither side is correct, not even a little bit. Yet the little people have become so intertwined with ideology that they are inextricable from their own ideologies even when the ideology has morphed into something that is no longer even theirs, but they cling to it like a life preserver. Clinging to the very thing that will drown them, AND the rest of us eventually.
The point is pay attention to the words you use and being used to you, against you, and about you. And don't wholesale buy any of them because while people cast spells with their words FOR others to beLIEve you don't have to do. You can be and do anything you like as long as you are kind to yourself and others. Being a victim is not an excuse or even an explanation, and people evidently think THOSE 2 words mean the same thing and they do not. Being a victim literally, or as your disguise adopted to have a built in excuse, is neither. People will tell you what you want to hear to get what they want from you, a quid pro quo in essence. We have to learn discernment, and understanding the nature of language and what can be accomplished by usurping it. WE have to learn how to be AUTHENTIC, and being authentic requires no permission from the outside. We have to reflect within, see ourselves and do THAT work. Doing that work is almost always an issue for others because they begin to see what THEY need to do so they get mad at you for actually doing it. First rule of holes, when you are in a hole stop digging. It's a good rule to follow. Thing is when the digging deep inside of yourself, you won't find emptiness but will become WHOLE.